Sunday, March 18, 2012


Delftben van egy gyögyösbolt, ahol a workshopokon többek között bicikligumi-ékszereket is lehet készíteni. Amíg ott laktam, a workshopon sosem volt hely, úgyhogy eddig ez kimaradt. Mostanra változtattak a stratégián (biztos nem én voltam az egyetlen, aki nem juttott be) és kis szetteket árulnak gyöngyökkel, bicikligumival, leírással. Kicsit durvának tartom a technikát, viszont az eredmény nem olyan rossz...jól megy a Balkantango táskámhoz.

There is a bead shop in Delft where you can follow workshops where you can make jewellery from recycled bike tyres. I lived there for a year but the workshops were always fully booked, so till now I haven't had the experierience...Now they changed the strategy (apparenly I was not the only one who always got a place only on the waiting list) and now they are selling small sets including beads, tyres and work description. I find he technique a bit rough, but the result is not so bad...goes well with my Balkantango bag. 

Recycled accesoires

Music to think about: Kaukázus: Tartós béke


  1. creative!!! and actually looking very pretty! impressed :)

    can be also extended to shoes/boots decorations maybe??

    1. I think you can do a lot of things with bike material it's almost like leather. The only thing is, you should not leave it in the sun long.
      Personally I could imagine it on slippers, knotted the same way as here with the necklace. But in Holland you have maybe 3 days a year being able to wear open shoes, so would it be the deign and effort worth? :)
